
Small-Scale Technology Certificates(STCs)

The Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are a key component of Australia's Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme.

Solar systems under 100kWare eligible for STCs.The amount of the rebate you will receive depends on the size of the installed system and the year of installation.

The Australian government's Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme includes a "deeming period" that gradually reduces the number of STCs a system can generate each year.

In other words, the sooner you get the system installed, the higher the rebate you will receive.

Large-scale generation certificates (LGC)

LGCs are tradable certificates that represent l mega-watt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity generated by accredited renewable energy power stations.

To generate LGCs, a power station must be accredited by the Clean Energy Regulator and meet specific crite- ria. For every megawatt-hour of renewable electricity generated, the accredited power station can create one LGC. LGCs can be sold on the open market or through contracts, providing an additional revenue stream for renewable energy projects.

Projects that start earlier can begin generating and sell- ing LGCs sooner, providing financial returns more quickly.


Energy savings scheme (ESS)

The scheme operates in New South Wales (NSW). The ESS uses ESCs as tradable certificates represent- ing a specific amount of energy savings achieved through approved activities. Each ESC equals one megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy saved.

Solar systems under 100kWare eligible for STCs.The amount of the rebate you will receive depends on the size of the installed system and the year of installation.

Both businesses and households can participate in the ESS. Eligible activities include upgrading lighting, im- proving heating and cooling systems, enhancing building insulation, and adopting more efficient indus- trial processes.

The ESS provides financial incentives to encourage the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and practic- es. By selling ESCs,participants can offset the costs of their energy-saving projects.

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program creates Vic- torian Energy Efficiency Certificates(VEECs) to in- centivize energy efficiency improvements.

Businesses and households can participate in the pro- gram by undertaking eligible energy efficiency activi- ties, such as upgrading lighting, heating, cooling sys- tems, and insulation. Once an energy efficiency project is completed and verified,VEECs are created based on the amount of emissions reduced.

By undertaking eligible energy-saving activities, par- ticipants can reduce their energy bills, earn revenue from sellingVEECs, and contribute to reducing green- house gas emissions.


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**see full details and T&Cs here.